Phase III: Auswerten, Weiterentwicklung der Zusammenarbeit / Evaluation, further development of our projects


6. Sept. 2012, per E-Mail an alle COMENIUS-Teilnehmer:
Na, habt Ihr die ersten sechs Ferienwochen gut überstanden?
Ich hoffe, Ihr seid alle gesund und munter und ein wenig motiviert für das nächste Schuljahr - so wie Herr Ebinger und ich. Wir haben heute schon unsere erste Fachsitzung abgehalten.
Leider habe ich manche von Euch ja nun nicht mehr im Unterricht, dafür bekomme ich die anderen jetzt. Ich bin gespannt, wie es wird.
Herr Ebinger und ich haben heute natürlich auch über Comenius gesprochen und uns überlegt, dass es verschiedene Möglichkeiten gibt, das Comenius-Projekt auch für eine GFS zu nutzen, z. B. indem man in der 10. Kl. im Unterricht den Herrn Comenius mal thematisiert oder etwas Kreatives für die Performance beim Gegenbesuch organisiert (Film, Sketch ...) oder etwas kulturell Sinnvolles für die Italiener plant (Stadtführung durch Pforzheim, Vorstellung von Theodor-Heuss, vielleicht im Vergleich mit Sandro Pertini ...). Vielleicht gibt es auch im Englischunterricht die Möglichkeit, ein passendes Thema zu finden; eigentlich soll das Comenius-Projekt ja in andere Fächer übergreifen; das Thema "Teenagers" bietet sich da ja vielleicht schon an. Fragt mal Eure Lehrer und seid kreativ!
Schönes Wochenende noch und bis nächste Woche dann!
U. W.

Vorstellung des COMENIUS-Projektes am Schnuppernachmittag

Unsere Schule, das Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium Pforzheim, führte dieses Jahr wieder einen großen Schnupper-Nachmittag durch (20. Juli 2012). Hier werden die zukünftigen Fünftklässler durchs Schulhaus geführt, während Ihre Eltern bei Kaffee und Kuchen über die Schule informiert werden und Gespräche führen können. Schüler und Eltern sehen auch Vorführungen des Schulchores und lernen die Schulleitung kennen. Wir vom COMENIUS-Projekt waren mit einer Stellwand vertreten. Mit Fotos und Infotexten, die jetzt im Schaukasten hängen, gaben wir einen bunten Eindruck weiter von dem, was wir erlebt haben im Ausland und was wir davon in den Schulalltag einbringen können. Besonderer Dank geht an die Schülerinnen und Schüler, die den langen Nachmittag ausgehalten und geholfen haben beim Auf- und Abbau. Besonders erinnere ich mich an Meltem Isik und Anja Metzler, aber auch andere!  

Fragebogen-Aktion: Siebtklässler befragen COMENIUS-Schüler über Ihre Erfahrungen

Twelve year old pupils interview COMENIUS students about experiences made in project

July, 13th, 2012

It was a crowded class: 20 grown up COMENIUS students in a small class room together with 20 younger, twelve year old pupils (7th grade), equipped with pencils and questionnaires. Each pupil had to find one COMENIUS participant to interview about any kind of impressions and experiences they made in the last school year working on COMENIUS projects. The twelve year old children were especially interested in what they saw in Rome, beacuase they themselves are Latin students. Quite often in their classes they are hearing about forum Romanum, Palatin, Cesar, August and other famous people and places of Ancient Rome. But also they wanted to know about the Italian families and friends, how they were like. 

The results of the questionnaire will be published here.

Was ist hängen geblieben? Evaluation des Februar-Aufenthaltes in Ladispoli vier Monate später (Juli 2012)




Benedikt Hemminger, 9 c, July 2012


Feelings during the exchange:

I think the exchange was really fantastic. The Italian families and people were really nice to use. Also it was great that we had the time to learn something about the Italian lifestyle. For example everything is much easier than in Germany. When you drive with the car the kids mustn’t belt up their self or you must come to school at 8.00 o’clock and we just arrived at 8.30. When you do this in Germany the will get really angry with you.


In the 10 days of the exchange we did a lot of activities for example we visit Rome exactly for example the St. Petersburg. Also we made a canoe race were one time the Italian people won and one times the German guys. When we played football it was really funny because there were a lot of goals. Of course we ate pizza and ice cream in Italy.

Expectations for the next year:

I hope that we have also a lot of fun like in Italy and it would be great if we can do so many activities. But I’m a bit scared because we haven’t got the big metropolis like they had in Ladispoli for example Rome. But I think that the next year would be a big success.


Comenius Project

Io sono italiano!

ich bin deutsch!

we are teenagers!!!

Exchange between Germany and Italy 2012/13 

1. Question: Why did we sign in for this Project?

My exchange partner Stefano and me just had good reasons for signing in.

We didn't know much about this project, but we both wanted to visit the foreign country. Also we looked forward to make new experiences with the new friends fromItaly/Germany.


2. Question:  

What would I do, when I could have been longer in Italy?

That quiet was a difficult question, which wasn't easy to answer, because I first thought about doing the same like we did in the 10 days we were inItaly, but the I remembered, that we just had program all day long, so my answer to this question is the following:

I think I would want to life some "normal days" how they are inItaly, when there are no German students. And of course I would like to go to the sea.



We think, that it really was a good decision to sign in for this project and are looking forward to the next year, when the Italians will come to Germany and hope to have a lot of fun together

Marco Kiesewetter, 9c, July 2012



What we expected, and what it actually was like

COMENIUS-project Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium Pforzheim

Evaluation of our visit to Ladispoli, Italy, in Febr./March 2012


International exchange full of surprise

Our trip to Italy was full of surprises. First of all I had to learn that the Italians are more relaxed with everything than we. They don´t use seat belts in the car, they go out every evening to celebrate with their friends, and for them it isn´t important to be just in time. That was what surprised me most. If school starts at eight o`clock we leave the house at five past eight. And even the teachers are always too late. In Germany something like that is impossible. And we also can´t go out all evening because we shouldn´t be too tired in school the next day. One Italian student told me that he slept in classes. He layed down over some chairs and slept during the lesson.

I was also very surprised that the parents of the teenagers do everything for their children. They didn´t have to take the bus or cook their own meal if their parents aren´t at home. The adults bring them everywhere by car: To school and to their parties late in the evening.

I realized that all of them are very good in sports. Most of them play football and they are all good dancers.

I liked the time in Italy. Our hosts were all very friendly and we had a lot of fun together. And – of course – I loved the Italian food. I have never ever eaten something that was as delicate as the meal the mothers of our exchange students cooked.

On the other hand, there are some things the Italians were very surprised about. For example that we are doing so much for school and that we aren´t as loud and enthusiastic as they are. And when they are here they also will be surprised that we don´t celebrate so much and want to go to bed earlier because we have to go to school the next morning and are in trouble if we are too late in classes.

I hope we can have as much fun here in Germany as we had in Italy this winter in spite of some more rules.


Helen Schleifer, 10 c, 4. Juli 2012



Our visit to Ladispoli: Interview a few months later 

a) How did you feel during the stay of the Germans in Italy and what experiences did you make?
b) How do you think about this long break between the Germans’ visit and the Italians’?
c) What do you expect from the Italians’ stay in Germany?


These are the questions I asked my exchange partner from Italy about the exchange. Unfortunately he didn’t answer or react at all. Thus I can’t give any answers of him here and this is why only my answers to the questions above are given here.


a) How did you feel during the stay of the Germans in Italy and what experiences did you make?

Well, in general I felt very good. My host family took me in friendly and they made me feel like a part of their family.

Also the atmosphere in the COMENIUS-group was very nice, there weren’t any disputes or other things like that. I think we all fit quite well.

Although waking up got harder every day because we never went to bed early, the activities were fun though it was very exhausting from time to time.

But I also learnt much about Italy, especially how an Italian family lives like. I noticed, for example, that the Italians eat very much. Not for breakfast but at midday and in the evening they seem not to stop eating !


b) How do you think about this long break between the Germans’ visit and the Italians’?

I think this break is much too long because only very few of us still communicate with the Italians. One year or maybe even longer is far too much time, not only because we don’t see each other during that time but also because the COMENIUS-project is going on and on, and especially next year we’ll be busy enough with managing being good at school.


c) What do you expect from the Italians’ stay in Germany?

I expect another great ten days. I hope they won’t find Pforzheim too boring because they live near Rome and that is a worldwide metropolis. I also hope school won’t be too hard in that time because we won’t have much time for that.

I think it’ll be a great time and I’m looking very forward to March/May/June 2013.


Niklas Horak, 9 c                                                                                                  04.07.12


What we expected, and what it actually was like (Evaluation of Sven)

Furthermore, what did I expect by signing in to this exchange-project? Have I thought about this trip as holiday without family, or have I thought about this trip as opportunity to learn something interesting about other cultures? I can't tell you. Italy is a great country, if you think of it, you think of Pizza and Spaghetti first. You don't think about the way they drive their cars, but that's what I remember most of all. They don't use their seat belts, drive how fast and where they want, there are nearly nowhere streetlights, because I think no one would notice them. Also I remember the big lunch-packages with more inside than one person can eat alone, we shared them in the train to Rome or in school.

In Italy it really was like holidays, because time didn't really matter, there weren't really rules and the weather was fantastic. When they come to Germany they will really have some problems, because here we appreciate the rules, we take care of the time and the weather is changeable, most of the time into the worse. I'm thinking of his reaction, when he notices the bus comes at seven o'clock and the weather is awful...

For this article, I asked my exchange-partner some given questions in facebook, his answers were this:”I have noticed many differences in behavior, perhaps due to the novelty or perhaps because of the traditions, but you guys are quite different from us, and I liked this, being a new experience.“ and after I asked for more details:“some of you, I found them very serious, we Italians a bit more loose, but this is definitely for the new city ... and I think will be the same for us when we come Italians in Germany, as regards the rest, I found our behaviors, after all we are all teenager.”

You can see their English is at least different. We noticed this after the first messages we received from them. It ended with speaking in the easiest possible English we could, so that they understood what we wanted to tell them. The bit Italian language we learned, soon was not enough to talk, but we were interested in learning more words all the time, especially words I won`t write down here now.

 Sven Metzler, 9 d, 18.6.2012


Comenius: Ladispoli

Feelings during the exchange

I think the exchange was realy great. I like the Italian lifestyle. I was surprised, that everything was quite relaxed. In Germany it wouldn´t be possible that schools starts half an hour too late. 

I also think the food there ist awesome!

But I think best was the atmosphere in our group. There wasn´t a conflict and quite everybody was nice to everybody.


We did many great activities. I think we went everyday somewhere. Sometimes in the centre of the city and sometimes to the home of somebody. But because of this we always went to bed at one o´clock or something like that. I don´t think that it will be like this next year in Germany.

In the school we also did some great projects. We painted a mural, studied a flashmob dance and practised a little theater.

Expectations for next year

I look forward to the time next year in Germany. It isn´t too good, that there isn´t a metropolis like Rome next to Pforzheim. But we have much other nice cities like Stuttgart, Heidelberg or Freiburg.

It also will be hard for our italian friends that everything ist so strict. We have to be in the bus at 7:10 and not at 7:25.

But I´m sure we´ll have a great time and much fun.

Georg Pflomm, 9 c, 5.7.2012






Evaluationstreffen mit allen COMENIUS-Teilnehmern

Am Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012, findet ein Treffen aller COMENIUS-Teilnehmer statt.

Hallo COMENIUS-Leute!
Interessiert es Euch vielleicht, wer COMENIUS war oder wer Theodor Heuss und Sandro Pertini, unsere Namenspatrone? Mehr darüber gibt's bei den COMENIUS-Infos unter ! Vielleicht habt Ihr Lust darüber im Projekt was zu machen, ein Plakat, einen Sketch, einen Film, einen Text, etwas mit Eurem Partner, das auch im Englisch-Unterricht (Joh. Amos Comenius passt auch gut in den Lateinunterricht) verwendet werden kann,  w o m ö g l i c h   Eure GFS im nächsten Jahr für COMENIUS?????
Aber dieses Mail geht an Euch, weil es eine Hausaufgabe gibt, die von denen besonders gut abzuliefern ist, die heute nicht da waren! : ) ---> siehe Anhang!!
[Ein paar Leute müssen ja sogar noch ihre Tagesberichte auf Englisch mailen, sonst erwarten wir sie am Freitag nach der sechsten an der Lehrerzimmertür! Meltem, alles klar!! Aber nicht nur Du :)]
Hier also unsere Arbeitsergebnisse von heute!!

Christian Ebinger


Nachtreffen Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012, 13.20 Uhr bis 14.25


  1. Film von Gianluca Accardo (Andrea Rauccio) zur Erinnerung
  2. Erfahrungen, die in Erinnerung blieben

Art von Pünktlichkeit, Essen, Motorrollerfahren, entspannter Umgang, Offenheit, schöne Abende, Rom, Eis, Englisch


  1. Vorschläge für Aufenthalt der Italiener bei uns (Termin März, April oder Juni)
    1. Freizeit-Programm

Heidelberg, Freiburg, Straßburg/Europ. Parlament, KZ Struthof-Natzweiler, Freizeitpark, Schmuckwelten, Emma-Jäger-Bad, Europa-Bad, Stuttgart/Porsche/Mercedes/Einkaufen, Sportturnier, Wandern Wildbad-Grünhütte, Mountainbikes Mieten, Wildpark Klettergarten, Paddeln Enz mit Grillen, Picknick Enzauenpark, Eishockey-Spiel Anschauen (Jan), Schlittschuhlaufen, Hockenheimring, Minigolf+Wanderung Monbachtal, Rutesheim Abenteuer-Golf/Klettergarten

Wichtig: Abendprogramm! Marco lädt alle zu sich in Keller ein (muss noch genauer geplant werden, wie oft/wann etc.)


    1. Inhaltliche Programmpunkte / Vorführung / Performance / Kulturabend

Wo? Jahnhalle/Kulturhaus Osterfeld

Was? Lieder, Tänze, Sketche wie in Italien?

Neue Projekte? Musikinstrumente spielen

Vorschlag Sarah: Abend mit durchgehender Handlung (Musical)

Gute Lieder: Ärzte? Haltet Ausschau nach guten Liedern (Benedikt, das Fliegerlied war super), Sketchen (Witze), Ideen für Wandgemälde etc.

Ziel bis nächstes Jahr: Möglichst viel im Unterricht: Latein, Englisch, Musik, Kunst!

Sprecht Eure Lehrer an, bringt Eure Ideen ein! Alles was zum Motto passt, ist möglich. Je mehr gute Inhalte wir finden, umso mehr können wir im Unterricht davon einbauen und müssen uns weniger zusätzlich treffen. Welche Gruppe dreht einen Film über einen Tag in ihrem Leben???? (Siehe Italiener.)


  1. Was läuft noch dieses Schuljahr?

a) Hausaufgabe bis Freitag, 6. Juli (aber möglichst schnell), als Mail an Frau Wettig/Herr Ebinger: Schreibt Eure italienischen Partner an (auch wenn sie jetzt schon in den Ferien sind) und entwickelt mit ihnen einen Erfahrungs-Austausch / report about experiences made together: Ihr beantwortet eine Frage vom Partner, der beantwortet eine Frage von Euch: Was mir am meisten am Teenager-Leben aufgefallen ist, worüber ich mich gewundert habe, was bei uns unterschiedlich ist … (siehe Motto „Io sono …“, ca. eine Seite).

b) Im Unterricht sollt Ihr von Unterstufen-Schülern zu Euren Erfahrungen interviewt werden.


Wann treffen wir uns wieder: Es wäre zwar auch ein Beitrag am Schnupper-Nachmittag denkbar, um zu zeigen, was wir können, aber so wie es aussieht, werden wir zu Beginn des neuen Schuljahres voraussichtlich wieder alle skypen (Videokonferenz).


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