Summary of results of questionnaire / Ergebnisse der Fragebogen-Aktion auf Englisch


Karolina Borecki, 9b, Feb. 2012


Profile of German students




From youth ambition to the world of arts and crafts and professions:

expectation and reality


Most of us don’t really know what they want to become in the future. Also nearly everybody wouldn’t like to do the same job as their parents. But still most of us look with hope and optimism into the future. We’re all thinking different about success or how our work will be.



Addictions: vice, gambling, drugs, doping


We all think pretty similar about drugs and stuff like that. We think that lots of young people have excessive behaviours and that parents, family, friends and school mates can help them to stop it. Also the society has to give positive models. The reasons why young people take drugs are because it’s in their nature, they want to rebel against parents etc. and they want to impress their friends. We also think so when it goes about drug addictions.



Ecology and our future


Every one of us has heard once about ecology or ecological problems, but everyone thinks different how we can save the world. All of us are separating the household waste, but we don’t know if the school is separating the waste. I think our school is separating the waste because inGermanyyou have to do it. Nearly the half of us has been involved in activities about saving the environment. The most planted trees. We all think that these activities help the environment and that its sense full to give some habitats to animals and plants.



Questionnaire: friendship, a value


The most of us think that friends are very important, but not the most important thing. Friendship is for us understanding each other, trusting each other and sharing hobbies, interests and entertainment. Also every one of us thinks that you can have friends with teens of the other sex. But we don’t agree if you can be friends with adults. In our opinion it’s very difficult to make true friends because you can’t find so easily a person how you really like. The best place to make friends is in school. Friends should have in common the same ideas about spending free time and same hobbies. We don’t think that friends will change and also not the things you should have in common.



Free time used for voluntary work


The most of us did once some voluntary work like helping the environment. The most had fun. But we disagree if we would do something like that again. If we should do something like that the most would like to help animals.

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