Chat von Niklas Horak, Kl. 9, 15. Febr. 2012
9. Januar
Niklas Timm
How are you?
I'm your exchange partner.
Do you also have to learn German a bit for the exchange? We have to take 20 Italian lessons.
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Greetings Niklas
9. Januar
Alessio Di Stasi
Hi Niklas
We will take german lessons in the next few days.
I have one sister
Have you got any brothers or sisters ?
9. Januar
Niklas Timm
I also got one sister. She's at your age.
I can imagine learning german is horrible Is this your cat on the picture?
10. Januar
Alessio Di Stasi
No, it is my grandparent's cat
I think also italian is horrible to learn :S
My sister is 19 years old
Bis morgen